Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I've Set A New World Record

The results haven't been confirmed and there were no cameras around, but I honestly believe that today I set the world record for using the bathroom the most times in my office in a day.  I've been drinking two gallons of water for the past four days and today was the worst.  Every 30 minutes I had that rapid urge that I had to urinate.  It wasn't that subtle hint that it was time to pee.  It was that "if you don't get to a toilet in 30 seconds or less it's going to get really ugly" type of warning.  Luckily my office close to the restroom.  But come on, who wants to rush to pee every 30 minutes?  My co-workers now find it entertainment and know where I'm headed as I run down the hallway.  

Inside my office is manageable.  It's outside of my office that causes chaos.  It just hit like a flood in the middle of Target today and I had to put all of my items down in the middle of nowhere to rush to the front of the store to the bathroom.  It hit right when I walked into an office building and I prayed to find a bathroom close.  It hit on the way to a meeting where I was stopped at every stop light.  Not good.  Not good. (and did I mention that it's rained non-stop for the past two days!)

The worst thing about bathroom fiasco is that my urine senses a toilet.  When I get close to a toilet, my urine becomes so excited that it starts to rush out.  The urine doesn't care that I have on a belt, or a snap or panty hose.  So, I've found that each time I get steps from the "twa-let" I have to do a two-step shuffle for five seconds until I can fully get in pee position.

The water consumption decreases after today so I should be good.... but you never know!!!

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