Monday, October 4, 2010


Wow, I wanted to add a blog to my website and remembered that I had created a blog when I first started competing two years ago. Back then, I was training for my very first competition - so much has happened since then!

In 2008, I ended up doing seven competitions - winning first at many of them. I went to my first national competition and switched from figure to fitness. In 2009, I competed in The Arnold and two national shows and was only four points from turning professional. This year I won my class in the Arnold still have the goal of turning pro.

One of the best things about competing is the people I have met along the way. Fitness competitors are some of the coolest people around and we have so much fun backstage. Although we are competing against each other, we build an amazing support system with each other. It was a great experience to watch some of my friends (like Stacy Wright) turn pro this year!

After this competition season, I decided that I needed a REAL off season. Most of the feedback from the judges is that although I have a great shape, I appear smaller on stage compared to the other competitors. I need to build some muscle, but in order to do that - it must take the right time, use the right weights and eat the right foods.

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